Simnel Cookies

 Happy Easter 2021 everybody! 

I have been fairly silent on my blog, my last post was actually Christmas. I sadly injured myself running and was feeling very low and felt I didn’t have much content to write about that was inspiring. I also let someone no longer in my life put me down about my blog, even though they aren’t in my life anymore. Worrying about nothing is something I’m still working on, I’ll get there.

Anyway, I have been experimenting with a different bake for Easter this year. Now that we can see light at the end of the tunnel with lockdown, we can see our families (in the garden at least) this weekend, I wanted to make something to take with me, that was a bit ‘different’, so, welcome Simnel Cookies. 

They are super tasty, spicy, marzipany, sugary, what more could you want!? Wedding diet starts next week, I promise! 

So, go get your apron on, grab all your store cupboard items (that’s right, you don’t need to buy anything!) bake these beauties and enjoy your weekend.


75g butter/ block margarine

55g caster sugar

100g self raising flour

3/4 tsp ground ginger

1tsp ground cinnamon 

50g raisins / sultanas 

8 x 10g ball of marzipan 

Makes 8, but why not double the recipe!? 

1. Turn your oven to 180°C

2. Slightly melt the margarine in your medium mixing bowl, then beat in the sugar until pale and fluffy.

3. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well until nicely combined. 

4. Line two baking trays, and split the cookie dough into 8 evenly sized balls and place them on the trays. Flatten the cookies slightly with your finger tips, then gently press the marzipan balls one on top of each cookie. 

5. Bake in the oven for 12-15 minutes, or until slightly golden at the edges. Leave to cool and harden on the trays. Enjoy with a nice cuppa. 

These can also be made vegan using vegan margarine or butter. 

Enjoy your well deserved catch ups with your loved ones, stay safe, Meg x


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